Girl Scout Cookie for bankersSoon, Girl Scout Cookie Time will return. Over the years you’ve come to expect—and thoroughly enjoy—your purchase experience. Whether your favorite is Thin Mints or Samoas, you might think the cookies are a little pricey. And you also think they’re worth every indulgent bite.

So what do the Girl Scouts have to teach bankers about customer experience? Everything.

The customers at your institution should have a consistent experience online, at ATMs and in-person at every branch. The Girl Scouts have a guide. Do you?

Girl Scouts don’t just “make it up.” When they’re selling their wares, they know:

the presentation
They're taught the proper polite and friendly greeting, how to navigate the order form competently, what to wear and how to be confident in the ask. You probably have noticed their sashes with the badges they've earned. Awwww!

the details
They know the insides and outs of price, the quantity per box, which are gluten-free or vegan and when those addictive treats will deliver.Build bank loyalty number with better customer experience

the “why”
They can tell you about how your purchase is supporting camp, girl-empowerment and teaching entrepreneurship. In other words, they are firm in their purpose and mission—and it shows.

the process
They know the step-by-step process, the reporting and the best ways to communicate with each other. Because it’s institutionalized, the process works seamlessly for volunteers and customers.

the roles and responsibilities
Girl Scouts have a strong hierarchy with cookie chairs, leaders and girls all working together in their respective roles. And they support and help each other up and down the chain.

Isolated “great service” events will only get you so far. Awe-inspiring customer service and true brand loyalty start with a consciously designed customer experience that's consistent in every brand touchpoint.

Don't wait. Borrow a page from the Girl Scout cookie book and endear customers to your bank.

 The chocolatey-minty flavor and just-right texture of a frozen Thin Mint is as irresistible as Kryptonite. Don't you want that for your institution, too? Call Martha at 785.969.6203 for help creating your customer experience playbook.

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