Brand focus: Keep your eye on the ball

Royals mascot2Here in Kansas, everyone's got World Series Fever. The Kansas City Royals are playing in the series for the first time since 1985. Royals merchandise is flying off the shelves and blue is to be seen everywhere.

orange is NOT the new blue
But in Game One this week, there was a notable bright spot of orange behind home plate. It was the somewhat famous Marlins Man, a Miami lawyer who has attended at least 85 World Series games, according to reports.

Royals top brass were so distressed by the orange jersey that they asked Marlins Man to move,  even bribing him with a free suite and all kinds of goodies; Marlins Man declined.

royal to the core
With "Be Royal" at the heart of the team's post-season campaign, the Royals put their attention in the wrong place this time. With thousands of enthusiastic fans creating a sea of blue, one tiny orange jersey stole the focus. Extending the offer to Mr. Leavy only brought more attention to him and made the Royals appear like unwelcoming bullies.

We will surely see more of the Marlins Man throughout the series, so what's a team to do? Here are some tips for the Royals brand (or any brand) on overcoming distractions:Royals merchandise

  • Know your brand essence: State what it means to Be Royal. Keep it simple, but say it clearly. For example, being "royal" means displaying class and grace, even in uncomfortable situations. In other words, Royals take the high road and are good sports.
  • As long as fans/customers are well behaved, make sure they are welcomed. Even if you have brand detractors, allow all voices to be heard.
  • Let your fans speak for your brand and they'll overshadow any distractions or detractors. For example, there's a fundraising effort underway in Kansas City to restore some of its historic fountains. Souvenir bottles with blue fountain water are being sold to contribute to the restoration and to raise awareness of the need. The Royals brand is effectively tied to one of the city's best known and most treasured features.

So while a bright orange jersey behind home plate can be distracting, it shouldn't steal focus from your brand. Keep your eye on the ball—on your brand—and don't let distractions throw you off.

If you need help focusing on your brand and your business, call Martha direct at 785.969.6203.

tags: business strategy, focus, brand fanatics, customers, purpose, vision, brand essence

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